.ORG vs .COM

[su_heading size=”27″] WordPress.com (Why .ORG is better)


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.COM is a simple and fast way to get started. However, consider these limitations:

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The Many Limitations Of WordPress.com[/su_note]

    • WordPress.com is supported by ads. Ads are required for free use.
    • No selling allowed. (.com allows ecommerce only on Premium Business accounts for $299.00/year)
    • No Google Adwords. Potential revenue is limited to a commission on ads once you meet certain traffic requirements.
    • Platform owned by .com and it has the right to suspend you at any time.
    • Use of themes and plugins is limited to only those provided for free.
    • Themes & Plugins-You may not upload your own. You may use selected plugins by upgrading, but you can’t upload your own.